Presentation of the artwork “Folly of Trash”

On sunday june the 10th 2018 Kaboul Vermijs, Cultuurscout Charlois, has revealed the artwork “Folly of Trash” in Studio WANDSCHAPPEN.
From june 2 till 10, during Charlois Speciaal 2018,  a group of 30 crafts women from the neighborhoods of Charlois have worked together with Nicole, Ivo and Perla on the design and production of the hughe textile artwork. It was an intense and concentrated process accompanied by a lot of talking about each others skills,
families and neighborhoods, resulting in “Folly of Trash”.

The subject of the artwork concerns the research Nicole and Ivo have done for three years in de neighborhoods of Charlois into the piles of bulky waste appearing daily in the streets of Charlois. They tell the continuous story of people moving in and out in the area, trying to find a new living and home, often after being fled for wars, hunger or political danger anywhere in the world. Charlois is one of the few areas in The Netherlands people are able to try to make a new start. For all kinds of reasons they will succeed to settle down, but a lot of them are obliged to leave again. Their final sign of life in the area is the bulky waste they leave behind.

Folly of Trash is a textile work, 300 x 180 x 40 cm, made of wool felt. It’s an esthetic translation of the emigration phenomenon, that tells the story of the transition of the area, that will shape the city of Rotterdam into its future appearance.

With special thanks to:
Charlois Speciaal, Jeugd Fonds Cultuur Rotterdam, CBK Rotterdam, DKC Rotterdam, Wijkcommité Tarwewijk, Quiltvereniging de Nieuwe Nachtegaal, Naaicursus Middelpunt Dock Pendrecht,
Kinderen van VSO AJ Schreuder, Kaboul Vermijs and all the people from Charlois and outside who have helped us.